
EEPW首頁 > 電源與新能源 > 設(shè)計應用 > STSTEVAL-IHM032V1150W正弦矢量控制解決方案


作者: 時間:2012-03-27 來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 收藏
ST 公司的STEVAL-IHM032V1 150W矢量控制板采用600V高壓器件L639x 和 快速IGBT STGD3HF60HD(4.5 A, 600 V) ,適用于永磁同步馬達(PMSM)的磁場定向控制(FOC)和無刷直流馬達()基于梯形標量控制,正常輸出功率高達150W.控制板和110VAC與230VAC火線電壓兼容,并能和STM3210xx-EVAL,STEVAL-IHM022V1,以及STEVAL-IHM033V1通過專用連接器進行接口.主要用在洗碗機泵,冰箱壓縮機和風扇.本文介紹了L6392 主要特性和方框圖,150W STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板主要特性和框圖,電路圖與材料清單.

150 W inverter featuring L639x and STGD3HF60HD for 1-shunt based sinusoidal vector control and trapezoidal scalar control

The 150 W inverter power stage board features the L639x and STGD3HF60HD for both field-oriented control (FOC) of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) and trapezoidal scalar control of brushless DC () motors. Also referred to by the order code STEVAL-IHM032V1, this 3-phase inverter is designed to perform both the FOC of sinusoidal-shaped back-EMF PMSMs and trapezoidal control of motors with or without sensors, with nominal power up to 150 W. The flexible, open, high-performance design consists of a 3-phase inverter bridge based on:

■ The STGD3HF60HD (4.5 A, 600 V) very fast IGBT in a DPAK package, with ultrafast recovery diode

■ The L639x devices which are part of the latest high-voltage half bridge gate driver family featuring an integrated comparator for implementation of hardware protection (i.e. overcurrent, overtemperature, etc.)

■ An embedded operational amplifier suitable for advanced current sensing

The system is specifically designed to achieve fast and accurate conditioning of the current feedback, thereby matching the requirements typical of high-end applications such as field oriented motor control. As an alternative to the STGD3HF60HD, the STD5N52U power MOSFET, STGD6NC60HD IGBT device may be used on the board without replacing the switch driving network.

The board is compatible with 110 and 230 Vac mains, and includes a power supply stage with the VIPer12AS-E (in flyback configuration) to generate the +15 V and +3.3 V supply voltage required by the application. Finally, the board can be interfaced with STM3210xx- EVAL (STM32 microcontroller demonstration board), STEVAL-IHM022V1 (high density dual motor control demonstration board based on the STM32F103ZE microcontroller), and with STEVAL-IHM033V1 (control stage based on STM32F100 microcontroller suitable for motor control), through a dedicated connector.

圖1.STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板外形圖

150W STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板主要特性:

The STEVAL-IHM032V1 150 W inverter power stage board has the following characteristics:

● Compact size

● Wide range input voltage

● Maximum power up to 150 W at 230 Vac input

● The STGD3HF60HD 4.5 A, 600 V very fast IGBT

●Compatibility with other power switches in DPAK packages (the STD5N52U,STGD6NC60HD, for example)

● AC or DC bus voltage power supply connectors

● Connector for interfacing with the STM3210xx-EVAL board, STEVAL-IHM022V1, and STEVAL-IHM033V1 with alternate functions (current reference, current limitation/regulation, method selection, current boost)

● Efficient DC/DC power supply (15 V, 3.3 V)

● Suitable both for sinusoidal FOC and trapezoidal BLDC drive

● Single-shunt current reading topology with fast operational amplifier (with offset insertion for bipolar currents)

● Hardware overcurrent protection with boost capabilities

● Temperature sensor

● BEMF detecting network for BLDC drive

● Current regulation/limitation network for BLDC drive

● Hall sensor/quadrature encoder inputs

STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板目標應用:

● Dishwasher pumps

● Refrigerator compressors

● Fans

L6392 主要特性:

● High voltage rail up to 600 V

● dV/dt immunity ± 50 V/nsec in full temperature range

● Driver current capability:

– 290 mA source

– 430 mA sink

● Switching times 75/35 nsec rise/fall with 1 nF load

● 3.3 V, 5 V TTL/CMOS inputs with hysteresis

● Integrated bootstrap diode

● Operational amplifier for advanced current sensing

● Adjustable dead-time

● Interlocking function

圖2.L6392 方框圖

圖3.STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板方框圖

圖4.STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板電路圖:逆變器電路

圖5.STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板電路圖:電源電路

圖6.STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板電路圖:傳感器輸入,BEMF檢測網(wǎng)絡(luò),馬達控制連接器
STEVAL-IHM032V1 演示板材料清單:


關(guān)鍵詞: BLDC 消費類電子 家用電器



